White Papers

How LTE modem categories impact IoT SIM performance
LTE Modem categories are a crucial component of your multi-network IoT SIM card enabled equipment. LTE Modem selection has a significant impact on speeds and performance.

What is CAT-M & NB-IOT?
CATM & NB-IOT are new dedicated technologies destined to change the IoT landscape forever. Network congestion may be a thing of the past with networks rolling out the new technology at pace.

Dual SIM vs Dual Modem
Dual SIM LTE devices enable you to save money on data expenses while preserving the resilience and coverage given by a multi-network SIM card. Be aware of the differences between a dual SIM and dual modem LTE device.

How 2G/3G/4G/5G effect your IoT SIM performance
GSM network generations have continuously risen over time, with 5G being the most current and powerful generation to date, and speeds of over 100Mbps are now commonplace, which would have been unheard of not so long ago.

This document compares the differences between specialist M2M/IoT SIMs & Tariffs and the consumer-grade Mobile Broadband versions (often known as MBB). It demonstrates why both services do not cost the same.
OFCOM reports highlight benefit of multi-network SIM cards
OFCOM publish a series of Connected Nations Reports containing crucial statistics and figures we can use to measure the effectiveness of a multi-network SIM card for your IoT application.

How Will 5G Impact IoT?
IoT is expected to take off even more as connectivity develops, aided in large part by 5G technology. But how much do they require each other, how do 5G and IoT connect to corporate development, and what prospects will they provide for businesses?

IoT Device Mobile Carrier Selection: Optimizing Performance
Network selection is how a cellular device chooses which cellular network to connect to. The networks available to a device depend on the SIM card, modem, and Mobile Network Operator (MNO) it uses.